Welcome back.
I’ve missed you.
So much has changed. And while I’m not sure if I’ll be spelling out every single detail in this blog post — I do want to share the pertinent ones.
But, I’m sure most of you have gathered the happenings that I won’t flat out write in this post via my Instagram antics over the last year.
I have been posting so much less across each platform. I had so much to figure out on my own, that curating parts of my life for social media took a backseat. While I still was pouring my time into content creation for my clients, I stopped daily personal content creation. Even toyed with the idea of leaving my personal social media accounts all together — attempting more private person & gaining a tiny bit of mystery back.
I know half of you that know me just choked reading that…
But that’s not who I am. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I love documenting daily occurrences that I would otherwise forget. I geek out on having deep conversations with people I just met. No matter how hard I try to mull things over in solitude — I really do find a sense of peace knowing that I spill my guts more often than the ‘average’ person and I am fully accepting of that.
Because if ONE of you reading this tell me you enjoyed it, or enjoyed my writing, enjoyed my perspective, brought you a little happiness. It’s worth it.
So to those of you who reach out, reply to an IG story, or just quietly like my posts — thank. you.
I am slowly getting back to my ways over oversharing + memorializing my everyday life. Because it is truly where I find so much fulfillment when any part of it resonates with you guys. I know that part of my purpose in life is to bring people together, make people laugh ((either with or at me)), and hopefully share a perspective with you that you maybe didn’t see before. And I’ve found that through content creation on social media.
I’ve had many conversations with mentors, family, friends, strangers about how I have often felt I should have put my time and efforts of my career into something a bit more serious and tangible that could help people — i.e.: nursing, teaching, whatever it may be… But as frivolous as social media is, there is value in it. Connection. Community.
It feels great to be writing again. I contemplated making this a YouTube video ((let’s be real, I still might…)) but I can’t seem to get back into the groove of sitting alone and talking to a camera again. It may come back, or I may have moved passed the days of vlogging every. single. moment. every. single. day. and am heading towards documenting my life’s moments in a slightly less conspicuous way.
We’ll see.
Because that pendulum may swing the other way with the news I’m sharing…
I had planned on holding off all announcements/posting until my roommate & I had signed our lease — but in true Layne fashion, things are way less linear than that.
Across the country. ((Quite literally to the most opposite part of my home for the last 28 years)). With my two dogs. And one of my greatest friends, that funny enough — I started my traveling YouTube journey with. As seen here//Arizona Road Trip Itinerary.
Get ready for beach bum content.
I’ve always expressed that I don’t think we are meant to live in one place for our entire lives. And while I have traveled quite a bit, I have always called the Tri-State area home. Bouncing between NJ and NYC for school, work, etc. But something clicked this year and I am finally keeping all of the promises I’ve made to myself.
Ever since the first Fable fam bam 2008 US 1 road trip down the coast of California — I have loved the state. The mountains, the beach, the sunshine, all in close proximity to each other. And I’ve been convinced a little more with each trip out West since. But how this all really came to be is serendipitous in its own right.
Back in June, Amanda + I were sitting in a cafe planning a California Coast road trip of our own for the end of summer over coffee. We were booking flights when my ADD brain brought up how badly I need to move somewhere come the Fall — for a change of pace, new scenery, and to keep my promise to myself.
Amanda has just became a nurse and was contemplating travel nursing to which I offered to be her live-in chef if she took me along with her. Half joking — but we discussed the idea and decided it would be perfect for where we both are at in life. There was only one hiccup. Amanda needed one year at a hospital before being able to become a travel RN. To which I said, “Yeah, I can’t live in NJ for another full year…”, sipped my honey lavender latte and said, “What if we just move to California for a year together?”. Amanda pondered it for a second, then assured me she was in as long as she could walk to the beach from our new home. The best part… Amanda had never been to California. Yet said yes to moving with me.
The kind of friend I want to live with.
In her defense, every single one of her friends told her that she would absolutely fall in love with the state once she visited…
So we then booked flights to San Diego to house-hunt instead of our last licks of summer road trip.
Also for Amanda to step foot in California for the first time.
Most of the places we toured (YouTube video coming soon) were taken by someone else who showed up with cash deposits that same day… && since we went out to apartment/house hunt two months prior to our planned move-in date… We are now heading on a cross country road trip with no solid place to live yet. Perfection.
Honestly, this is the way I like it. Go with the flow. Figure it out as it comes. Open to all possibilities. The little hippie in me would have it no other way.
Exciting, bold, spontaneous — some would event say batshit.
I just have a feeling this time that everything is going to fall into place, the way it’s meant to. I’ll let you know the first week of October if that’s how it all goes down.
So if you have any San Diego real estate guru friends, cafes that need social media management, favorite hole-in-the-wall food spots, or tips for being on the opposite side of the country from your family that you absolutely love, please please please reach out to me.
And if you rather stay anon & just watch from afar — you know I appreciate you just the same.
Excited to take you guys along on this ride.
Because if not now, when?
For local moving in Long Island area, check out Consider It Moving!
Thank you MoversBoost for the collaboration. MoversBoost is a digital marketing agency providing website design, SEO for movers, and Google Ads management.

So Layna Bayna! Cheers to the next adventure! xoxo
v on brand! 😄
Hi Layne! I’m so happy for you that finally you’re fullfilling your dreams ever since you’ve started creating personal contents way back 2017. I know you will make it happen . And today, you made rhat dream a reality. Keep up the good work with a pure intention to spread love and positivity.. Advance Happy Birthday!😀
thank you so much Merle!!! xxo can’t wait to create along the way
So proud of you lady. Can’t wait to see what happens next for you.
Thank you!! I’m sure it’ll end up all over the blog 🙂
If no one has told you this today, I want you to know that you are one of the best human being I know in my life, many people are rooting for you. And whatever it is that you’re going through right now, I know that you will overcome it. Thank you for this blogpost Layne, and Im wishing you a happy happy new adventure. I want you to know that you make this world better just by being you. Waiting for more more blogs and vlogs in the future
Aw thank you so much, Mary. That is so sweet xxo
Love you layne 💚 I wish you all the best 😊